Läsvärt #2

Bättre sent än aldrig. Här kommer några läsvärda länkar:

Först ett blogginlägg om felfri inlärning (”errorless learning”), ett begrepp som man hör folk prata om ibland. Läs gärna vidare på Eileens blogg, det finns många läsvärda inlägg där.

There is a newish catch phrase going around the science-based dog training community: “errorless learning.” I am seeing more and more usage of the term, and reading pieces that equate it with the ultimate humane training. I think a lot of folks have picked up the phrase and are using it to mean setting your dog up for success in a general way. I’m aware of some others who associate it with training with positive reinforcement only. Some use it to indicate that they do not use No Reward Markers. (If an error happens in the forest and no one says anything, did it really happen? Sorry.)

But actually the phrase is not new at all. It refers to a specific teaching methodology that has been well investigated by research. I am going to describe the original research on so-called errorless learning, some subsequent research, and explain why I think the term is currently being misused and perhaps wrongly proposed as a goal in our companion animal training.

John Cullen beskriver en studie om hur erfarenhet är avgörande för hur vi tolkar hundars kroppsspråk. Väldigt intressant, och väldigt viktigt att komma ihåg att det som vi kanske tar som självklartheter inte är det för alla.

I’m sure many of you interact frequently with people who are new to the dog world either through dog sport demonstrations or as a dog obedience instructor for puppy classes. With that in mind I think that this research paper highlights the importance of teaching people how to read their dog’s body language. It’s not something that is innate, but a skill that needs to be learned.

Vallhundstränaren, fåraherden och domaren Jonas Gustafsson har startat blog där han skriver om vallhundsträning med mera. Mycket intressant! Om du är intresserad av att lära mer från Jonas så arrangerar vi en tvådagarskurs för honom den 6-7 mars. Det finns observatörsplatser kvar.

1 svar på ”Läsvärt #2

  1. Thank you for featuring my post about errorless learning. I wanted to let you know that I have written a followup post because I had made some errors in the history of the method and in some of my conclusions. Errorless learning goes back much further than Terrace’s experiments in 1963. Although I still believe that those experiments are not something we would want to emulate with our pets, the method of errorless learning itself is very humane and designed to make the path to learning a behavior or gaining knowledge very smooth. I wrote a subsequent post that I hope anyone who read my first post will read also.


    Thank you! Eileen

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